lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

The last burger fest

This was for my the last burger fest after of two events similar I be happy because enjoy each one, in particular this event is really fantastic because the students can made hamburger with your ideas and buy the best cost, My secret ingredient this time   was pips  I love this ingredient because I can made my own combination and my recipe for my is excellent and  enjoy the event.

 We sold 320 burgers , which is a big number and it was our last burger fest so I think it went pretty well. It was a great experience and I looking forward to doing it again.

 My team was the best in decoration and the preparation the best burger I liked work with Montserrat I think thant is excellent member is very well in decoration and tithme   is the perfect mix.

lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

WHY? What for?

Yes of course I be very happy for the decision about my career why really love cooking , I think that I have abilities to make this job , for my no is job is the moment that each  person can change, the kitchen is the most beautiful place to work. if I want to study gastronomy , I not have  doubt only need time to can cook every time .I think that all topics are important to have one education sufficient and  compete in the culinary industry , the most important for my right now is finish the career so I need approved all modules in  each semester and enjoy the moment always , to made this objective need motivation , my principal motivation is my family always be back of my  the person mas import for  me is my father  yours examples help me a achieve my objectives .
About my teachers I thinks that all have the capacity to teach, I like to share their experiences is the most interesting in the class why with example the life is most simple.
My dreams is be own house Banquets I no like work for other person I loved be my own boss, 

I loved server a the people than enjoy my food and one smile of are is the best satisfaction for me, I need be more responsible and more attentive to the advice this help be best person, when one is independent means who has achieved personal stability to achieve their goals I would like to reach the age of 25 years to be independent and achieve what I set, the moment is right now enjoy.