lunes, 14 de octubre de 2013

WHY? What for?

Yes of course I be very happy for the decision about my career why really love cooking , I think that I have abilities to make this job , for my no is job is the moment that each  person can change, the kitchen is the most beautiful place to work. if I want to study gastronomy , I not have  doubt only need time to can cook every time .I think that all topics are important to have one education sufficient and  compete in the culinary industry , the most important for my right now is finish the career so I need approved all modules in  each semester and enjoy the moment always , to made this objective need motivation , my principal motivation is my family always be back of my  the person mas import for  me is my father  yours examples help me a achieve my objectives .
About my teachers I thinks that all have the capacity to teach, I like to share their experiences is the most interesting in the class why with example the life is most simple.
My dreams is be own house Banquets I no like work for other person I loved be my own boss, 

I loved server a the people than enjoy my food and one smile of are is the best satisfaction for me, I need be more responsible and more attentive to the advice this help be best person, when one is independent means who has achieved personal stability to achieve their goals I would like to reach the age of 25 years to be independent and achieve what I set, the moment is right now enjoy.

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